0418 532 114 [email protected]

‘Proofreading Skills for Business’ course
for business professionals

Learn basic proofreading skills for business professionals in a one-hour professional development session.

This service is no longer available.

Professionally, spelling, grammar and punctuation errors in your written work look sloppy, no matter the format. Such errors can imply a lack of care in your work and a poor eye for detail when seen by a client or prospect. Proofreading skills are actually important in many business occupations, such as communications, social media content and marketing communications. Proofreading skills are also an advantage in any profession where there is an emphasis on producing reports for clients or the public, such as accounting, law, engineering, business consulting and government.

Professional Word Services offers a one-hour ‘tips and techniques’ professional development workshop to assist business professionals in improving their proofreading skills. The session is delivered in-house and face-to-face at your business offices for anywhere between two and 20 participants at a time.

It includes a unique, take-away workbook for each participant developed by Professional Word Services principal Paula Ruzek (BA (Journalism), RMIT, 1984). It contains what she has learned over a 10-year career in the Australian media as a journalist and subeditor (The Age, BRW) and a further 20 years as a commercial writer, editor and proofreader to Australian businesses.

Looking for a proofreader skilled in business-related topics? We provide that service, too. See our proofreading page.

Content of the course, ‘Proofreading Skills for Business’

In one hour, this proofreading skills workshop covers:

  • What is proofreading
  • How we read
  • How to read like a proofreader
  • Proofreading on paper versus a screen
  • Proofreading your own work
  • The most common errors to look for when proofreading
  • Proofreading marks.

Some quick exercises are interspersed with the discussion to emphasise the key points made. The ‘Proofreading Skills for Business’ workbook contains a treasure-trove of extra information that will educate the participant on common errors made by writers and how to fix them, extra exercises to sharpen your proofreading, and some useful tools and examples in the appendices.

Why choose ‘Proofreading Skills for Business’

The ‘Proofreading Skills for Business’ workshop is short, practical, interesting and something different to the usual topics covered in a professional development session. It provides participants with simple tips and techniques they can apply immediately to improve the quality of their written communication.

The price of the workshop is set according to the number of participants, with a minimum charge of $550 plus $16.50 per participant workbook.

How to book your session

‘Proofreading Skills for Business’ can be booked by contacting us on 0418 532 114 / 03 9583 5884 or at [email protected]. The date of the session can be set flexibly according to your business needs and the availability of participants. Professional Word Services is based in Melbourne, Victoria, but the presenter is willing to travel to regional areas and interstate for those organisations that see value in presenting this workshop for their staff. (Travel costs will apply.)

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

Benjamin Franklin

1706-1790, Founding Father of the United States of America and inventor